When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."

- Erma Bombeck

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Big Project!

Making a special quilt for a special someone and a special
some-thing!!!!! Details later!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

You better hurry over to.....

 Melissa's blog Creating From The Heart
 because she has a FABULOUS giveaway going on until March 11th. You will especially love it if you  are a sew-er or want to begin! Sometimes...you just gotta sew and this giveaway will get you groove on!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Check This Out!!!

Really! Go to the library and check this out or better yet, buy a copy of this for yourself because you're gonna love it THAT much! I read this book in 3 days! That's a record for me! This book is so FUN! You'll actually laugh out loud! No kidding! My husband would look over at me, when I laughed, like I was crazy!!! Well, I am, just a little but I'm telling you....it's GOOD! If you want to feel good, get energized and if you love lavander, then you'll love this. You'll be walking and talking and smelling lavander all the way through! And then... you'll wish you hadn't read it yet, so you can read it again! Go get it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Martha is not here!!!!

I've been collecting "Blue Willow" for about 25 years now. I love it! I love watching old westerns because of the items you see while watching them. Old dishes, lace doilies, tablecloths and so on...... here are a few pictures of my home...come on in...nothing overly fancy, but this is me.
I found this lamp and shade at Dollar General! $12.00!
This is my quiet reading spot...currently reading ANYTHING Claire Cook! So funny!
My living room......my way!
My re-treat! My bedroom......

My cutie pie little OLD lamos I bought at a junk sale for $10.00 for the pair!!!!!! The wiring is so old, I was a fraid to plug them in! Aren't they adorable? Anyone know if they're worth anything?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cupcake Boxes...I YI YI..!!!!!

So, this was my first EVER attempt at making little boxes...not bad.... But I started out making just 15 for my grandson Jordan and his little class, then realized that I have two other Grandchildren and it wouldn't seem fair to make them just for him. So.....after two weeks, I eneded up making 56 boxes!!!! I yi yi!!!! Never again......this was a big project for a newbie to scrapping! Not to mention the homemade cupcakes to go with them! I say never again, but if you're a grandma, you know that's a lie! :)
I want to thank my Grand-Daughter, Desi for helping me with this! She had her own little assembly line going! I wouldn't have finished in time without her help!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine Quilt

Here's a Valentine quilt I made for a man who I looked to for fatherly love and advice for 25 years....I took to him as he lay at Hospice. It was a pleasure to lay this on him in his last hours. I'll NEVER forget the love he gave me all those years.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

MMmmmm Buttercream!

Made a batch of cupcakes for my Grandson Jordan today....I tweeked the buttercream recipe and WOW did it turn out delicious!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Country Collection

Cookie Jar from my mommy 20 years ago...she mowed a neighbor lady's yard to get this for me and kept it hidden until Christmas. It's not so much the cookie jar that's important to me...it's that she mowed and sweat her heart out to get it........
which leads me to this next item I've collected.....I love this lamp....Dollar General! $12.00!!!! and now begins the toile train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wow Wow Wubzy Quilt

Here's a quilt I made last year for my Grandson Jacob...It was a birthday present for him. He loves this cartoon. I cut out my own patterns from pictures I found online and appliqued  them. Then after peicing them all together, I used fleece on the back rather than using quilt batting. It turned pretty well! It's warm and cozy and soft.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have no picture of what I saw yesterday...but I would like to share a sentiment with you. Yesterday, as I traveled to an appointment, I saw a line of geese flying across the gray, dreary sky. I thought to myself....."why are there so many geese in the sky all of the sudden?" And immediately I wondered what are they fleeing from or where are they flying to? Then, I realized that we are below the blizzard and ice storms that swept across the country. Maybe they were fleeing the storm! The thing that stuck me most was that they were flying in a straight line and not in a "V" formation. In case you didn't know...Geese fly in a "V" formation and they take turns being "The Leader" because the wind behind their wings is swift and "The Leader" helps the others in the swiftness of it's wings and helps the others to fly easier. So, "Why the straight line?" I thought. Then, it struck me. It's cold, very cold, and maybe it's harder to fly in these terrible conditions....maybe the leader was stronger! Maybe "the leader" was in a way, carrying the others in their hard  flight. I like to believe that there are times in every ones life when they are weak and that we have "leaders" who help to carry us on our journey. Being a "Leader" requires great strength and sometimes, when we lose our own strength we need our "Leaders" to help us along in the cold times of our life. So, with that said, I hope that you take the time to be a "leader" to someone who is having a hard time in their life. Because someday....you're gonna need a "Leader" too, a friend, who helps carry you on your journey, to your destination in life.
Love, Cathy