When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."

- Erma Bombeck

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

   This is a picture of (from left to right) Me, Mommy (Laura) and my sister Patsy.  I'm so thankful for a Mother who has been a constant love and support in my life. It seems Great Mothers are a rarity these days. I feel that God gave me one of the best he had. He knew what her life would mean to so many and placed her right where she needed to be and she has always held her hand out to help and lift up the ones she loves. 

   This seems to have been her gift. She's been a helper, a nurse of sorts to so many and has given countless babies their first bath. It has always given her joy to do that. Her face always has a smile as she tenderly bathes them. It's important for her to do this. To watch this, is a blessing to behold. 

   She's not a Nurse, just a Mother, Grandmother, Aunt and friend who gets great pleasure in life from doing her hearts work.  She takes great pleasure in teaching new Mommies in our family how to "Be" a mommy. She has spent weeks with numerous new mommies helping them with bathing, diapering, feeding, and burping their firstborn and has taught us all so many of her "tricks and tips" that we should have written a book.

    I don't know another woman in this whole world who has given so much of her own time in doing this and I probably never will.

   To her, every single child, Grandchild and Great Grandchild is a unique and beautiful gift from God and she says there's not a plain one in the bunch. She's right!

   So I'm thankful today, and always, to call her "My Mommy"! Even if I am 50! She's got a tough heart and tender hands.

    I love you Mommy.

   Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Evening Cathy, Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day and I enjoyed seeing the picture of your Mother and sister. You girls are one pretty bunch!! We are so blessed to have our Mothers!! Looking forward to reading your blog more and seeing your creations and interests. Blessings~~~Roxie

  2. That's beautiful. She is one of a kind and we are blessed. Love you both!
