Above is the front of the card...and a little Birthday gift!
I've been following a "My Birthday Blog Hop" Hosted by Debbie of "Creativity Heals" and many more fine ladies, and since she was the first person to ever invite me to do this, AND because she's a sweet friend of mine, I went into my little creative room and dug out some OLD scrap paper and ribbon and materials and decided I would try to make her a a a birthday card ! There"s a pearl ribbon running down the front but it's hard to see.
Here, on the inside is a velum envelope I made from a template I found and placed a ticket inside...I love the little pearls on there!
I have no stamps as of yet so I wrote at the bottom
"Here's your ticket to a Happy Birthday"
For my sweet friend Debbie Mentz! of "Creativity Heals"
Love and Hugs!